Friday, 19 June 2015

Guest Poet 19 - Uncle's Ghost by Ananya S Guha.

Even though the story is finished for this year, i am still getting submitting in which are simply too good quality not to use.

First up is returning friend Ananya S Guha who offers this excellent poem 'Uncle's Ghost'.

He sat Buddha like
shaven, ashen
he sat otiose, no looks
moribund, but sitting.

Me thirteen
me in myths and shrouds
me who knew ghosts
but hadn't met
me me me.
My eyes became a traffic snarl
I hid under the blanket
unmoved he stared, meditative
smiling, almost laughing
after all Buddha like
my first incursion to prayer,
sleep and oblivious meditation.

Buddha like. Ghost? Buddha was
dead centuries ago.
But now this Buddha, terrible, smiling
sitting at my supine feet. Incantation.

My anthropological uncle in
one of his excavations- digging!

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Part XXX Part A and B and guest poet 18 - Jeffarama!

(Last two pieces today. It's been a long
and eventful journey but has become apparent
to myself over the past few days that this story
is not over and hopefully health permitting,
there will indeed be a Ghost Story Part III
next month. 

As a special afterthought which may lead into
Part III, my special buddy Jeffarama! (!)
has done a alternative ending 

In the meantime, thanks for reading)


Creating a breaking sound
Your words of agreement
Was almost overturned

Then unpacked
Into the boot of a car
Blowing on panes of glass

Resurrecting itself
In a verbal affirmation
Of the truth

Translated into a slight tear
‘It’s only going
to get worse
He was just the first’

Vanishing down the staircase

With me in tow. 


Vanishing across railway dust
Tranmissing effects
Into hand held mysteries

Shooting down hopes
Freckled into spots

Migrating into different towns
Kicking through other doors

She said it was only going
To get worse
Before we even got
Down the staircase

And a few dozen deaths
Was nothing to what was going
To happen next

Shifting answers
Into another adventures

Before surfacing again
At the beginning of
Another story. 


Don't think that's the end of the matter...

Ironic really
the headline said it all
'Innocent commuters massacred'

Ironic as it was on the paper stall
outside the station
the atrocities happened

Not  even a natural disaster
no, that may have been acceptable
but as usual, a complete waste,
a senseless loss of innocent life

What gives you the right?
to take my life
to cut me down in my prime
to dictate the day that I die...

I hope you get
everything you deserve
although it's nothing compared
to what I have in mind

Remember to watch your back
for the rest of your life
if you think you're being watched
those eyes are mine

My soul won't rest
Until I track you both down.

Jeff Dawson April 2015

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Part XVIX A and B

(As said yesterday, in a attempt to keep this down to just April
I am now writing two poems a day.

The poems today follow straight on from Part 28.

Can you wait until the conclusion tomorrow? (with a special
epilogue wrote by our last guest poet too)


Shut close
Those words followed me
Cresting over the balcony
Into a muffled deadness

Shelved into blurred lights
With his face staring
Into my eyes
All the way down

Thirsting for blood
Leaving footprint
After footprint
In my memory
Cutting through my relief
With an axe

Slipping away

In a broken lullaby.


Ripping up the tension
You would have kissed me
If you could and told me
I’d be okay

Threading away my pain
And the blood
All over my ripped jeans
And trainers

Thickened in
A sharp transfer
Seeping through

Drenched in passion
As much as
A lingering sense of guilt.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Part XXVIII Part A and B and Guest Poet 17 Stormy Gail Dormire - Approaching Station 12

(The people who know me better may remember
it's my birthday today but still no stopping me
on Napwrimo. As previously hinted, there will
be extra pieces to help me finish off the story
and I can now confirm from today for the last three
days, there will two poems per day. Talk about 
making life harder for myself - lol. Today's poem
is Andy with the killer finally meeting)

(Also included is our latest guest poem from Stormy Gail Dormire
who offers Approaching Station 12 directly set in this world)


Broken into pieces
He pumped shell after shell
Into the spaces
Round the doorarch
Above me

Spraying it so much
It looked like
He was redecorating
Rather than trying to kill me

Screaming ‘Die, Die, Die’
With such force
It sounded like
He was trying to will me
To death
When the bullets didn’t

Losing the thrill
When he kept pumping
Them out
And none of them hit me
Before proclaiming

‘I’m not sure
I know myself’
I said walking

Slowly towards him.


Slim as a flute
Accompanied by flames
And muffled cries

I wish I could say
I grabbed the rifle
And threw the bullets
Off the balcony
Headlong into
The doorway

Sculpting hope
From the worst of misery

Packed within sandwiches
Experimenting in voices
In miniature
Laced in pessimism

Instead Doubling over
The balcony together
With only one
Further sentence spoke

‘This is only the beginning,
‘This is only the beginning’ 


Approaching Station 12

Go back, Go-ooo Back, go back, go-ooo back
the wheels rolling down the track
seemed to repeat over and over and over
Go back, Go-ooo Back, go back, go-ooo back

From deep in the shadows it watched and wondered
“Why was this man not seeing the peril approaching
Why hire supposedly safeties best security - if
He only sits and watches the comely women boarding and leaving
Following their every move inappropriately”
While - right in the snipers line of vision
The train approaches the train station

On the train
An innocent child is coloring in her mother's new mystery novel
A clown is selling balloons ahead in the next car
The right Father Henry reads to sister Ann about the  apostle
Immigrants from far off India watch their new world out the window
The conductor strolls congenially down the aisle greeting all
“Station Twelve  ahead.” He calls

And the wheels rolling down the track
continue to repeat over and over and over
Go back, Go-ooo Back, go back, go-ooo back

The train lunged and shivered
As the vaporous shadow crystallized
Lunging to grab the cord above the guard's head
All business now the guard fights the spector
While the passengers cower in fright
And the train keeps rolling toward the station

The specter moans
Does anyone hear?
The guard has fought him off
He howls with frightful frustration
The sniper is wait---ing, wait--ing, wait -ting
Your doo-oomed , all doo-oomed

And the wheels rolling down the track
continue to repeat over and over and over
Go back, Go-ooo Back, go back, go-ooo back

Tugging her mothers sleeve, she points him out
“Can’t we help him, he wants us to listen”
The little girl cries
While the immigrants hide between the seats
And father Henry holds up his crucifix
The clown rushes in and pulls the cord
Slamming the conductor to the floor

The train rolls into station 12
But no one feels the bullets when they come
All are safely hiding between the seats
The specter disappears into the air
His duty done
His little girl and wife will make it home

(clarice) 04/10/2015

Monday, 27 April 2015


(Part XXVII is the start of the end and a final meeting)


Overtaking themselves
The bullets sprayed
All over the floor

Reconstituted in screams
With each shot

Dancing to a private dance
Staining chaos
Rotting in the air

Offering a different story
With each death
In honey eyed intent

Turning violence into prose

Madness into hope
All the way
To the top

And I faced him

Face to face. 

Sunday, 26 April 2015


(Part XXVI moving slowly and slowly towards the end game
is the Ghost and Michelle)


Stalking on victims
Alfloat on imaginary highs

Swallowing up their panics
Like a vampire getting high
On emoition

Pausing for thought
In-between each shot
For a few seconds

Letting them think
That was it
And when they moved
He shot again

And again

Shooting some victims
Over and over

And puzzled
When shooting one
Turning back
A few seconds
To discover the body was gone

And was stood there
Half a metre up the platform.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Part XXV

(Only 5 more poems to go. Part XXV is Andy pinned down by the sniper)


Treading the boards
In a subtle tease
Slicing the truth
Chained to the ground

Her words tangled
Around my thoughts
In wind chimes

Gleaming between
The sunset
And the edge
Of that platform

Snapping bullets
Around me
Like an invisible wall

Jolting a distraction
Equivocatory  allowing me
To keep ducking and diving
Between bullets.

Friday, 24 April 2015


(Part XXIV is a poem of trust between Andy and Michelle
moving further and further into the end game coming soon) 

Just trust me
Her words followed me
Out of the newsagent

Just trust me
With cold black eyebrows
Drifiting in and out
Of the shadows

Just trust me
And let me draw his fire

Let me draw his fire
While you sneak in
Behind him

‘even I can see
that’s a plan
out of Scooby Do’
I said.

‘I’ll probably get shot
before I am even
halfway across
the platform’

How I didn’t even know
To this day.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Part XXIII and Guest Poet 16 - Meshach R. Brencher - Kiss the knife -

(Part XXIII covers another conversation between Michelle and
Andy moving slowly and slowly towards the end game.

Our 16th guest poet is our returning friend, Meschach R Brencher
from with the second of two poems)

Biting at my ankles
Edged membrane grey
Cluttering across your
Every word,

Before snapping shut
Streetlight yellow

‘You have no choice

Spooned into my emotions

‘All hell is breaking loose’

‘I don’t understand you’

thread inside out

‘This is just the beginning of the end’
Inbetween bullets
Riding up and down
The corridors
Inbetween seams of dust
Contradicting itself
Worse than memory. 

Kiss the knife

That bleeds your soul
Dark vines have a sharp touch
Water running down
From the river
I sink underneath
The sail ship dancing figures around
Where I cross the harbour
While the horizon floats me in vain
Among cold feelings
Where my destination has no arrival
Entangled in heavy vessels I cannot escape
Forgotten like the ship anchors
The pier watching sunset
As I close my eyes shut
Darkness the only requiem
As the light has no purpose
To see what cuts deeply in me
Is so far away
Transparent and loathing
For eternal twilight
Sucked away by the wind
I cannot feel you
But your spirit will never leave me

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Part XXII and Guest Poet 15 - Meshach R. Brencher - Dark Matter

(Part XXII moving straight on is a conversation
just before the action begins between Andy (the
narrator) and Michelle (Ghost))

(Guest Poet 15 is a young poet I have known
for a few years called Meshach R Brencher
who delivers the first of two very clever poems
which although not in Ghost Story II are very
worthy pieces in their own right)

(More of his work can be heard here and here
or read here)


Bearing the weight of the killings
Something unseen left
Wet marks on glass

Screwed up across soaked
Wrapping paper
And burst fountain pens

Scratched across the magazines
She said

Tumbling all around her

Cradling her fears

Enfolded across
An ocean of assumptions
tellingthe reporters

trapped in no-mans land
before I picked her up
sailing around a argument
littered with rhetorical rockets

and voices which she was sure
she said more than once
hurry up before more are killed

more are killed. 

Dark matter

Shields translucent energy
The surface has nowhere to gravitate
Unquenched lips
Hungry with no purpose
Plunge into liquid that soon evaporates
Into thin air
The vacuum shift terminated
By application of a voltage
Malfunctioning the process to
Extinguish the flames
Not being present to be aware
Of a deficient state
Failure to attend to
What was expected
A moment that passes you by
Without witnessing a creature
Cradled in a sleepy state
While being investigated about its
With broad coverage on so many stories
Never told which don’t ever see

The light of day

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Part XXI

(9 Poems to go and there is still so much to discover
including things to discover for myself.

Part XXI is again from the eyes of the killer)


Smoking buttons
Hectic in broken gasps
Calculating in incidental music
Stealing past his nerves,

Master-like with his rifle
Hardly moving
Through her valley of abuse
That still laced his ears

Driving faster and faster
Until he pulled in
Drawing aside that door
That led onto the roof

Startling himself
With each shot fired

Looking for her love
With each hit scored
Leaving the artist behind
In a matter of moments. 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Part XX and Guest Poet 14 - Martin Elder - Once Upon a time

(Part XX already. Phew.. Part XX covers our old friend the cleaner
who like the police inspector from Part XIX knows more than he 
also reveals)

(Our 14th guest poet is a gentleman I know from Write Out Loud
Stockport (A open mike night I regularly attend called Martin Elder.
A great bloke with a even better sense of humor. With this poem doesnt'
display his humour, this is a powerful skillful poem which I hope you
all will like also)


Hidden out of sight
Peering across the tracks
Opening up his bucket
Like an umbrella
Broken into a concave shape
Mopped into silence,

He saw first the killer
Then me
Descending slowly
Like falling leaves
Over the platform

Clustering at the edge
Shining nerves
Passing the barrier
Not releasing
It was designed
To keep everybody out,

Separated only
To the point of rescue. 

Once upon a time (Martin Elder)

Once upon a time
There was you and there was me
Lost forever
In a place we called home
We would pretend
It was ours
The big house
Where others lived
But we could declare
To nobody else
It was ours
I was King and you were Queen
Like all good children
Heard but never seen

We ruled in our very own
It was our
Stately chalice
The holy grail of
Our life together
Forever young, carefree
Summers hot
Winters cold
Toasting by a fire
How we danced
So very bold
By day and by night
Until that day
A dance to close
Your dress caught
Two souls trapped
In a place
That turned from palace
To prison
Never allowed to grow up
We did not know the difference
Between dark and light

The smell of burning still
Our skin a pale white
Charred and blackened wood
Escape seemed impossible
The burning, smouldering flesh

A hundred years or more later
We walked danced and ran
Down corridors
Through walls and doors
Only ever seen by cats and dogs
And an occasional brave child
Confronted with the tired eyes
And flesh ridden sores

But now the house is gone
Knocked down
And turned to grass
With only a plaque to remind
Of the fateful day

And so we are free
At last
You and me
To become sprites of the day
Dancing across field and hedge
Free to wander and to find
Our own way
Far, far away

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Part XIX and Guest Poet 13 - Hazel Connolly - Ghost II

(Moving on Part 19 - this piece tells the story
from the eyes of the Police Inspector who as you will
discover knows more than he reveals to the reporter.

Also is our latest Guest Poet, the 13th one is a lovely
lady called Hazel Connolly who has submitted a sequel
poem to the one she wrote last year herself. That itself
can be read here and more of her work can also be read

Swollen with nerves
Scaled around the outskirts
Of what he had just reported
The police inspector
Spent the next 10 minutes
After his interview with the press
Panting with breath,

Fathomless in his guilt
Covered in a paused sweat
Lighting cigarette after cigarette
Like a stale perfume

Fragile in increasing nerves
Out wearied across the stars
Until a colleague joined him saying
‘Did they buy it, sir?

To which he answered
'I know I wouldn't.'

Ghost II (Hazel Connolly)

When I returned to the crossroads

To meet this raven haired ghost,

Lost in thoughts

I stared at the madness

Lurking in the darkness before daylight

All around the shadows gather.

Then, your ruby red lips

Brushed against my cheek

In a strange haze of shock

I call your name..

Again you are gone.

A cascade of tears

Falls down my face

You came and taunted..

I only wanted to say goodbye.

While deaths shadows

Loom over me

I’m drowning in sadness

My broken heart crying

While searching dark

Shadows in the night

I know now,

You are a child of the moon